<![CDATA[Light_Of]]>http://localhost:2368/http://localhost:2368/favicon.pngLight_Ofhttp://localhost:2368/Ghost 5.13Sun, 13 Nov 2022 21:13:39 GMT60<![CDATA[Object Storage]]>Object storage is a type of cloud storage that stores data as objects, with each object typically containing the data itself, a metadata header, and a unique identifier. Objects are usually stored in a flat address space, and can be accessed via HTTP or a RESTful API.

http://localhost:2368/object-storage/63715d879cc0893f30db82daSun, 13 Nov 2022 21:11:50 GMTObject storage is a type of cloud storage that stores data as objects, with each object typically containing the data itself, a metadata header, and a unique identifier. Objects are usually stored in a flat address space, and can be accessed via HTTP or a RESTful API.

<![CDATA[File Storage]]>Cloud storage is a service that allows users to save and retrieve files from a remote server. Typically, users can access their files from any device with an Internet connection.

File storage emulates the type of storage navigation in yur computer, and also behaves the same.

Cloud storage is a

http://localhost:2368/file-storage/63715d249cc0893f30db82caSun, 13 Nov 2022 21:11:01 GMTCloud storage is a service that allows users to save and retrieve files from a remote server. Typically, users can access their files from any device with an Internet connection.

File storage emulates the type of storage navigation in yur computer, and also behaves the same.

Cloud storage is a popular option for storing data because it is convenient and often more affordable than traditional storage methods, such as storing data on a local server or on a personal computer.

<![CDATA[Block Storage]]>Block storage is a type of data storage where data is stored in blocks. Blocks are units of data that are stored on a storage device, such as a hard drive or a solid-state drive. Block storage is often used for storing files, such as video files, audio files, and

http://localhost:2368/block-storage/63715d129cc0893f30db82c0Sun, 13 Nov 2022 21:09:46 GMTBlock storage is a type of data storage where data is stored in blocks. Blocks are units of data that are stored on a storage device, such as a hard drive or a solid-state drive. Block storage is often used for storing files, such as video files, audio files, and image files. Block storage is also often used for storing database files.

<![CDATA[Types of Storage in Cloud]]>There are three types of storage in cloud computing: object storage, block storage, and file storage.

Object storage is a type of storage where data is stored in individual objects, each of which has a unique identifier. These objects can be stored anywhere, including on a server, hard drive, or

http://localhost:2368/types-of-storage-in-cloud/63715ce49cc0893f30db82b4Sun, 13 Nov 2022 21:09:12 GMTThere are three types of storage in cloud computing: object storage, block storage, and file storage.

Object storage is a type of storage where data is stored in individual objects, each of which has a unique identifier. These objects can be stored anywhere, including on a server, hard drive, or CD. Object storage is often used for storing large amounts of data, such as videos or images.

Block storage is a type of storage where data is stored in blocks, each of which has a unique identifier. Block storage is often used for storing frequently accessed data, such as operating system files or application files.

File storage is a type of storage where data is stored in files, each of which has a unique identifier. File storage is often used for storing data that is not frequently accessed, such as backups or archives.

<![CDATA[Hypervisor]]>A hypervisor is a layer of software that sits between the operating system (OS) and the hardware of a computer. In the context of cloud computing, a hypervisor is used to create and run virtual machines (VMs). Each VM is a complete copy of an operating system and has its

http://localhost:2368/hypervisor/63715c8d9cc0893f30db829cSun, 13 Nov 2022 21:08:05 GMTA hypervisor is a layer of software that sits between the operating system (OS) and the hardware of a computer. In the context of cloud computing, a hypervisor is used to create and run virtual machines (VMs). Each VM is a complete copy of an operating system and has its own virtual hardware, including a virtual CPU, memory, storage, and networking.

<![CDATA[Types of Encryption]]>
There are two types of encryption in cybersecurity: symmetric and asymmetric.

Symmetric encryption is where the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data. This is the most common type of encryption.

Asymmetric encryption is where two different keys are used to encrypt and decrypt the data. This

http://localhost:2368/types-of-encryption/63715c0d9cc0893f30db828cSun, 13 Nov 2022 21:05:38 GMT
There are two types of encryption in cybersecurity: symmetric and asymmetric.

Symmetric encryption is where the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data. This is the most common type of encryption.

Asymmetric encryption is where two different keys are used to encrypt and decrypt the data. This is less common but is more secure.

<![CDATA[VPN/Virtual Private Network]]>A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a private network that encrypts and transmits data while it travels from one place to another. A VPN secures data by encapsulating it in an encrypted tunnel. This tunnel is created by a VPN server at one end and a VPN client at

http://localhost:2368/vpn-virtual-private-network/63715b7a9cc0893f30db826eSun, 13 Nov 2022 21:03:16 GMTA VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a private network that encrypts and transmits data while it travels from one place to another. A VPN secures data by encapsulating it in an encrypted tunnel. This tunnel is created by a VPN server at one end and a VPN client at the other end. The VPN client encrypts data that is sent to the VPN server, which decrypts it and forwards it to its destination.

<![CDATA[ACL/Access Control List]]>Access control lists (ACLs) are a type of security measure that can be used to control access to resources on a computer network. They are typically used to control access to files, directories, and other resources on a server.ACLs can be used to allow or deny access to a

http://localhost:2368/acl-access-control-list/63715b429cc0893f30db8261Sun, 13 Nov 2022 21:02:06 GMTAccess control lists (ACLs) are a type of security measure that can be used to control access to resources on a computer network. They are typically used to control access to files, directories, and other resources on a server.ACLs can be used to allow or deny access to a resource based on the identity of the user or group of users. They can also be used to control what actions a user or group can take on a resource. For example, an ACL can be used to allow a group of users to read a file, but not write to it.ACLs are typically managed by a system administrator. They can be configured manually or automatically based on the security policy of an organization.

<![CDATA[Encryption]]>Encryption is a technique used to protect data or communication from unauthorized access. Encryption converts data into a format that is unreadable by anyone who does not have the key to convert it back into its original form.

http://localhost:2368/encryption/63715bcc9cc0893f30db827eFri, 14 Oct 2022 21:04:00 GMTEncryption is a technique used to protect data or communication from unauthorized access. Encryption converts data into a format that is unreadable by anyone who does not have the key to convert it back into its original form.

<![CDATA[Storage Types in Cloud]]>There are three primary storage types in the cloud: object, block, and file.

Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Object storage is designed to store large amounts of unstructured data. It is scalable, highly available, and durable. Block storage is designed to store structured data. It is fast and

http://localhost:2368/storage-types-in-cloud/6344ddd999902f3b18d2822dTue, 11 Oct 2022 03:09:59 GMTThere are three primary storage types in the cloud: object, block, and file.

Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Object storage is designed to store large amounts of unstructured data. It is scalable, highly available, and durable. Block storage is designed to store structured data. It is fast and provides low latency. File storage is designed to store semi-structured data. It is easy to use and provides good performance.

<![CDATA[Shared Responsibility Model]]>In Cybersecurity:

The shared responsibility model is a security model that defines the roles and responsibilities of the cloud service provider and the customer in securing data and resources in the cloud. Under this model, the customer is responsible for securing their data and applications, while the cloud service provider

http://localhost:2368/shared-responsibility-model/6340f3448462d83b70c1b352Sat, 08 Oct 2022 04:01:40 GMTIn Cybersecurity:

The shared responsibility model is a security model that defines the roles and responsibilities of the cloud service provider and the customer in securing data and resources in the cloud. Under this model, the customer is responsible for securing their data and applications, while the cloud service provider is responsible for securing the infrastructure.

In Cloud Computing:

The shared responsibility model is a security model that defines the roles and responsibilities of the cloud service provider and the customer in a cloud computing environment. The model is designed to help ensure that the security of the cloud environment is maintained.

<![CDATA[Characteristics of The Cloud]]>The cloud is a collection of data that is stored on a remote server. The cloud is accessible from anywhere in the world and can be used to store, share, and access data.

- Elastic: The ability to shrink and expand computing resources.

- Self-service: You can set up a

http://localhost:2368/characteristics-of-the-cloud/633f8c7b8462d83b70c1b31fFri, 07 Oct 2022 02:23:33 GMTThe cloud is a collection of data that is stored on a remote server. The cloud is accessible from anywhere in the world and can be used to store, share, and access data.

- Elastic: The ability to shrink and expand computing resources.

- Self-service: You can set up a cloud by yourself.

- Scalability: The ability to shrink and expand computing resources as needed/when needed.

- Broad network access: Ability to access the cloud from anywhere and from any type of OS.

- Pay-as-you-go: The ability to monitor and pay for how much computing resources are used.

- Availability: It is always available to you whenever you need it. You can serve yourself with it anytime and anywhere.

<![CDATA[Password Attacks]]>

There are several types of password attacks, including brute force, dictionary, and hybrid attacks.

A brute force attack is a type of password attack that involves trying every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found.

A dictionary attack is a type of password attack that involves trying

http://localhost:2368/password-attacks/633e32783bc89b312cc250bdThu, 06 Oct 2022 01:43:25 GMT

There are several types of password attacks, including brute force, dictionary, and hybrid attacks.

A brute force attack is a type of password attack that involves trying every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found.

A dictionary attack is a type of password attack that involves trying common words and phrases that might be used as passwords.

A hybrid attack is a type of password attack that combines elements of both brute force and dictionary attacks.

<![CDATA[Logic Bombs]]>A logic bomb is a piece of code that is inserted into a software program with the intention of causing damage or disrupting the normal operation of the program. When the conditions specified in the code are met, the logic bomb is triggered and can cause serious damage. Time and

http://localhost:2368/logic-bombs/633cec4e229ed8144ca0b49bWed, 05 Oct 2022 02:36:32 GMTA logic bomb is a piece of code that is inserted into a software program with the intention of causing damage or disrupting the normal operation of the program. When the conditions specified in the code are met, the logic bomb is triggered and can cause serious damage. Time and event is an example of a condition that triggers a logic bomb.

<![CDATA[Evil Twin]]>An evil twin is a type of cyberattack where an attacker creates a replica of a legitimate wireless access point/wifi and uses it to trick victims into connecting to it. The attacker can then intercept and eavesdrop on the victim's traffic. Examples, where evil twins might exist,

http://localhost:2368/evil-twin/633b971c9b547644045857aeTue, 04 Oct 2022 02:16:30 GMTAn evil twin is a type of cyberattack where an attacker creates a replica of a legitimate wireless access point/wifi and uses it to trick victims into connecting to it. The attacker can then intercept and eavesdrop on the victim's traffic. Examples, where evil twins might exist, are restaurants, airports, coffee shops, etc.
